An Online Journal of Modern Philology ISSN 1214-5505

Article(s) in 2014

2014-01-01Černý, M.: Nová indiánská encyklopedie
[New Amerindian Encyclopedia]
2014-01-13Drápela, M.: Bibliography of Professor Aleš Svoboda
2014-06-25Drápela, M.: Appendix 1: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Loose
2014-06-25Drápela, M.: Appendix 2: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Transitional
2014-06-25Drápela, M.: Appendix 3: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Strict
2014-11-13Černý, M.: Za indiánskými jazyky A. V. Friče
[A. V. Frič and His Amerindian Languages]
[Viewed on 2024-11-13] is published by
Albis - Giorgio Cadorini
(From 2004 to 2016 the journal was published by
The Vilém Mathesius Society,
Opava, Czech Republic)
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