An Online Journal of Modern Philology ISSN 1214-5505

The Encyclopedia of Dormant Languages

Monika Jones

2016-02-04 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article reviews the book Encyklopedie spících jazyků (Nový Bor: Cadorini Giorgio – Albis, 2016) compiled by Miroslav Černý.

Za indiánskými jazyky A. V. Friče

[A. V. Frič and His Amerindian Languages]

Miroslav Černý

2014-11-13 • Linguistics • ISO reference

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the death of Alberto Vojtěch Frič, a prominent Czech traveler, ethnographer, and botanist, the article presents a few notes on the present-day language situation in Paraguay, a South American country Frič loved most.

Appendix 3: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Strict

Martin Drápela

2014-06-25 • Linguistics • ISO reference

An appendix to FSPML 1.0 with examples of FSP markup and a concise overview of tags, attributes and values in FSPML 1.0 Strict.

Appendix 2: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Transitional

Martin Drápela

2014-06-25 • Linguistics • ISO reference

An appendix to FSPML 1.0 with examples of FSP markup and a concise overview of tags, attributes and values in FSPML 1.0 Transitional.

Appendix 1: Examples of FSP Annotation in FSPML 1.0 Loose

Martin Drápela

2014-06-25 • Linguistics • ISO reference

An appendix to FSPML 1.0 with examples of FSP markup and a concise overview of tags, attributes and values in FSPML 1.0 Loose.

Bibliography of Professor Aleš Svoboda

Martin Drápela

2014-01-13 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article presents a bibliography of Professor Aleš Svoboda (1941-2010), a foremost Czech Anglicist and general linguist, and a lead investigator of the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective. The bibliography was compiled and published on the occasion of the first decade of the existence of the online journal

Testing Semantic Homogeneity of the Rhematic Track Through Parallel Annotation of Information Structure (A Case Study in FSP Potentiality)

Martin Drápela

2013-12-30 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article presents the results of a short parallel analysis of information structure of a stretch of an English folk tale. The analysis, carried out within the framework of functional sentence perspective (FSP), was designed in order to verify a claim made about the rhematic track (layer) of the stretch by Jan Firbas in a paper published in 1981, and was oriented towards finding a degree of annotator agreement in places of FSP potentiality. The results seem to confrm Firbas’s claim that a reader's awareness of the phenomenon of semantic homogeneity may contribute to a more accurate reading of the message of the text.

K nedožitým devadesátinám profesora Jana Firbase

[The Ninetieth Anniversary of Professor Jan Firbas' Birth]

Martin Drápela

2011-12-23 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article is an expanded version of the article ‛Aktuální členění stále aktuální, zejména zásluhou významného brněnského anglisty [The FSP Theory remains relevant thanks to mainly a renown Brno Anglicist]’ that appeared in the Vol.44/No.2/2011 edition of UNIVERSITAS (ISSN 1211-3387) to commemorate the ninetieth anniversary of Professor Jan Firbas' birth.

Vzpomínka na jedno výjimečně dynamické téma

[A reminiscence of an exceptionally dynamic theme]

Martin Drápela

2011-04-02 • Linguistics • ISO reference

Published on the occasion of what would have been his 70th birthday, the article recounts the most important milestones in the academic career of Professor Aleš Svoboda, a prominent Czech Anglicist and researcher in the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective.

Miroslav Černý - Homo Loquens: Vybrané kapitoly z lingvistické antropologie (recenze)

[Miroslav Černý - Homo Loquens: Selected Chapters from Linguistic Anthropology (book review)]

Martin Thorovský

2010-06-10 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article reviews the book Vybrané kapitoly z lingvistické antropologie by Miroslav Černý, which attempts to introduce students to linguistic anthropology, an interdisciplinary field, which studies the relationship between language and culture.

Idioms: Production, Storage and Comprehension

Marek Havrila

2009-11-07 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The present paper offers a brief overview of theories on production, storage and comprehension of idiomatic expressions and emphasizes the relative position of these expressions on the interface of grammar and lexicon.

Some functional differences between idioms and ‘single words’

Marek Havrila

2009-03-08 • Linguistics • ISO reference

The article presents a selective overview of functional and pragmatic differences between idiomatic and ‘single words’ expressions. The author focuses on differences in stylistic and cultural values, semantic implicatures, and effects on facilitation and organization of communication.

Observing Gestures

Lenka Sedlářová

2008-10-13 • Linguistics • ISO reference

This article makes an attempt at describing the methods of observation of nonverbal elements, particularly gestures.

[Viewed on 2025-01-22] is published by
Albis - Giorgio Cadorini
(From 2004 to 2016 the journal was published by
The Vilém Mathesius Society,
Opava, Czech Republic)
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