An Online Journal of Modern Philology | ISSN 1214-5505 |
Mizející hlasy džungle 2[Vanishing Jungle Voices 2]Miroslav Černý2015-02-24 • General Topics • ISO reference The article revisits the text Mizející hlasy džungle by Vojtěch Kotecký and draws parallels between the world of endangered species and the world of endangered languages. Deset let Společnosti Viléma Mathesia[Ten Years of the Vilém Mathesius Society]Martin Drápela2013-01-14 • General Topics • ISO reference The article presents a short recollection of the first decade of existence of the Vilém Mathesius Society. Vánoce s Karlem Mayem aneb Jak si dnes stojí domorodé jazyky jeho indiánských hrdinů[The Status of Indigenous Languages Spoken by Karl May’s Native American Heroes]Miroslav Černý2012-12-05 • General Topics • ISO reference The article presents a few notes on the present-day status of three Native American languages: Shoshone, Blackfoot, and Crow. It is meant to commemorate the 170th anniversary of Karl May’s birth and the 100th anniversary of his death. Univerzity, etymologie, společnost (akciová?)[Universities, etymology, society (Co. Ltd.?)]Giorgio Cadorini2011-06-20 • General Topics • ISO reference The actual policy, pulling the universities in the direction of an exclusively material production, rises from a certain idea of the globalisation. Etymology shows us that this idea is not corresponding to reality. Několik poznámek ke třetímu vydání The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language[Some notes on the third edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language]Martin Drápela2011-02-18 • General Topics • ISO reference The article is a short review of the third edition of David Crystal’s The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language published by Cambridge University Press in 2010 (ISBN 9780521736503). Interview with an Oncologist on Doctor-Patient InteractionsJana Mendelová2011-01-21 • General Topics • ISO reference The article is an interview with a Czech oncologist presenting her views on the importance of doctor-patient communication for the successful treatment of the patient. The interviewee responds to questions prepared by D. H. Sevin some twenty years ago. „Nedají si říct a nedají si říct!“ Výuka komunikace v medicíně a její materiálová základna[Teaching Communication in Medicine: Literature Background]Miroslav Černý2009-04-14 • General Topics • ISO reference The article provides an informatory survey into existing literature background for learning communication skills in the field of medicine. It presents the situation which can be observed in the Czech Republic, and bases its conclusions on the analysis of three recent contributions relevant to the topic represented by the title. Specifika interakce mezi lékařem a pacientem[Particularities of Doctor-Patient Interaction]Miroslav Černý2009-04-13 • General Topics • ISO reference The article describes a few particularities of interaction between doctors and patients. The author pays attention especially to those aspects of medical interviewing which are viewed by the doctor and the patient as disserviceable. Třináctý u stolu[The Thirteenth at the Table]Karel Kučera2004-09-07 • General Topics • ISO reference This article encourages both the authors and the readers to find a responsible and conscious approach towards the outcome of the philological studies and its practical applicability. Jazykové hry[Language Games]Martin Drápela2004-06-21 • General Topics • ISO reference Using Wittgenstein’s concept of language games the author offers his own view on logical semantics and tries to refute an argument that the notion of winning has no meaning in the context of language. Peer Review Is Far from PeerlessRobert de Beaugrande2004-03-11 • General Topics • ISO reference The discussion suggests that the process of peer-review is illogical and may hinder rather than promote the more important goals of academic research, possibly driving a wedge between the official theories of reviewing and its concrete practices as recorded in the discourse of reviewers. Old English and Middle English scripts in UnicodeMartin Drápela2004-01-26 • General Topics • ISO reference The article describes a method of including Old English and Middle English scripts in web pages. It also contains glyph-to-code reference tables for Old English and Middle English letters. |
[Viewed on 2025-01-22] | is published by Albis - Giorgio Cadorini |
(From 2004 to 2016 the journal was published by The Vilém Mathesius Society, Opava, Czech Republic) |
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